Monday, February 6, 2012

Liberty v. Liberal

I was once a Liberal because I equated the word with freedom and individual expression. Liberated, liberty, etc., were words that came to my mind. I thought I was smart, different, even eclectic to a degree, and the idea of "sticking it to the man," or "Big Brother," was very seductive and appealing to me. It still is, but I have learned that modern Liberalism is not defending my position. It has no interest in my personal freedom and liberty. It isn't concerned with self-expression unless I am conforming with some sanctioned or ordained form that's in line with the "Liberal" agenda. While this isn't a ground-breaking realization, it is apt. I was fooled for a time, but have commited myself to stand against its spreading further into society. I am for justice, even some form of social justice, but am against over-regulation and government intrusion into our lives. More to come, perhaps...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Not Much Wiser

Okay, I haven't seen this for awhile. I like the idea, but I'm not an active blogger. This is really a test to see if I can run it from my phone.

Monday, September 20, 2010

इ'म बेक!

इ'म जुस्त चेक्किंग इन, बुत दोन'टी एक्स्पेक्ट एनी ग्रेट थिंग्स राईट आवे...

Friday, February 5, 2010